Dr. Jack R. 华纳被任命为esball官方网第11任校长



2月14日,esball官方网高等教育委员会投票一致通过任命Dr. 杰克·华纳担任esball官方网校长. 投票和宣布结束了全国范围内的高管遴选, 由AGB领导的多元化高管遴选委员会领导, 一家全国知名的猎头公司,专门为高校提供猎头服务, 并有社区咨询委员会的建议和参与.

“Dr. Warner是一位经验丰富的高等教育专家,拥有行政和教学专业知识,作为esball官方网的临时校长,他取得了重大成就,” said David Caprio, chair of the Council on Postsecondary Education. “申请这个职位的人的素质令人印象深刻, making it a very difficult decision. esball官方网及其领导层对从K-12到大学阶段的教育的关注,无疑展示了这种势头.”

"Dr. Warner has been a tremendous partner to the state, 尤其是他过去两年在esball官方网的领导," said Governor Dan McKee. “杰克了解罗德岛,并为这所大学奠定了坚实的基础, the board, and its students to build upon. 我祝贺他、他的家人和esball官方网的所有人. 华纳当之无愧的任命,我期待他将继续为RIC带来成功."

As interim president, Dr. Warner balanced a considerable structural budget deficit in FY23; stemmed enrollment decline by enrolling 18% more freshmen and transfer students; worked with Governor McKee and the R.I. General Assembly to fund a Cybersecurity Center and the Hope Scholarship; built a strong and collaborative leadership team; improved campus communications and strengthened the campus community; raised the college’s profile by implementing a communications and engagement strategy with the business community and the broader community; launched a comprehensive strategic planning process; and made continuous system improvements to make life easier for students and employees

“这一搜索吸引了竞争激烈的金砖国家主席候选人, 我们相信,杰克·华纳是——而且将继续是——在esball官方网历史上这一时刻领导学院的最佳人选,” said Chairman Caprio.  “On behalf of the council, 我要感谢杰弗里·威廉姆斯主教和蕾切尔·格林律师他们投入了大量的时间和专业知识来领导遴选委员会, 以及所有在遴选过程中做出贡献的遴选委员会成员和学院社区成员.”

Dr. 罗得岛州高等教育专员香农·吉尔基说:. Warner, in the last 22 months, 作为临时总裁,他在为RIC未来的成功奠定基础方面表现出色吗. Under his leadership, RIC can continue to scale up its strengths, deploy a winning business model, 并确保它提供教育,使其学生离开时成为积极参与的公民,为不断变化的经济做好准备.”

“我很荣幸能接受高等教育委员会的委托, esball官方网和我们的校园社区来管理这段自豪的历史, esball官方网充满活力的现在和光明的未来," said President Warner. “我从临时任期开始就说过,我全力支持RIC, 我期待着将我们已经建立起来的势头加倍,因为我有幸长期领导这个机构. 我们还有很多工作要做,要继续为国家建立一个响应性的锚定机构, Innovative and Collaborative. With the talented leadership team we have in place, 我相信,对于我们州第一个也是最古老的公立高等教育机构来说,这将是一个激动人心的时刻.”