希望esball官方网, Olivia Lancellotta, 耍弄类, Work 和 Evening Performances

Headshot of Olivia Lancellotta
Rhode Isl和 College Impact

“When I received an 电子邮件 telling me I qualified for the 希望奖学金, I thought, ‘This is crazy. 这是真的吗??’”

RIC Senior, Olivia Lancellotta, Reflects on How the 希望奖学金 Has Impacted Her:

Olivia Lancellotta is double majoring in musical theater 和 communication 和 minoring in dance. The workload for anyone in the musical theater program is intense. Between classes, rehearsals 和 shows, students practically live in the department.

“By spring semester of my sophomore year, I was in a really tough situation,” she says. “I was in all the shows, which I’m super grateful for, but I wasn’t able to work as many hours because of it. I ended up getting a job in a coffee shop where I’d go in at 6 a.m. before classes started, then go to classes at 10 a.m. 和 remain on campus until 10 at night for rehearsals or shows.

“In my junior year I couldn’t commute anymore because being in shows made it hard to drive home late at night, so I decided to live on campus. That was a huge financial decision. Last year I had to take out a $20,000 loan.

“When I received an 电子邮件 telling me I qualified for the 希望奖学金, I thought, ‘This is crazy. 这是真的吗??’ I was super excited.

“Being a double major, I’ve gone over the st和ard number of credit hours each year, which means my tuition is higher each year. In order to graduate in four years with two majors 和 a minor, I had to massively exceed the normal credit load. This semester I’m taking 27 credits, which means my tuition is also higher. It’s incredible that the 希望奖学金 will pay for even those extra credit hours.

“I’m extremely grateful I ended up at Rhode Isl和 College, because I can’t imagine a better 的地方 for me. The faculty 和 staff are absolutely incredible 和 super supportive, 和 my education has been extremely immersive. I’ve had the opportunity to be involved in every performance. In most musical theatre programs, you’re not in every show. But here they make sure everyone has an opportunity. That’s important to me 和 my peers, 和 I’m super grateful.”

Learn more on the 希望奖学金 website.

Hear testimonials from other students: 阿里尔墨西哥城, 摩西•尼古拉, 雷米Salako, Tytain太阳 Jacqueline Carroll.