Dr. 珍妮特维. 约翰逊

  • 教授


Ph.D. 专业:英语教育. 小:英语. 印第安纳大学,布卢明顿,印第安纳州,2005.

M.S., English 教育, Indiana University, 布卢明顿, Indiana, 2000.

B.S., 教育, Indiana University, 布卢明顿, Indiana, 1993.

B.A., Political Science, Indiana University, 布卢明顿, Indiana, 1991.








National Writing Project and Hoosier Writing Project (NWP and HWP)


约翰逊,J. (2009). Review of the book Deranging English/education: teacher inquiry, 文学研究, and hybrid visions of “English” for 21st century schools. 教育评论:一本书评杂志. http://edrev.asu.edu/brief/sept09.html # 11

约翰逊,J. (2009). Teacher candidates’ critical conversations: the online forum as an alternative pedagogical space. Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge. 卷. VII:第1期,2009年冬季,75-85.

温斯坦,G. 约翰逊,J。. (2008). Target practice: The case for a learner-centered ESL curriculum. 语言杂志,29-33. 

Bogad L.库克,J.达西先生.约翰逊,J.帕特森,S。.蒂洛森,M. (2007). Tales from the field: Wiki, WAC, and other collegial endeavors. 跨学科. 卷. 4. http://wac.colostate.edu/atd/articles/bogadetal2007.cfm 

海恩斯,M.B. 约翰逊,J。. (2007). Teachers and students as agents of change: Toward a taxonomy of the literacies of social justice. 在罗,D.Jimenez, R.康普顿,D.迪金森,D.Kim, Y.利安德,K. Risko V. (Eds.). 2007年全国读书大会年鉴. 橡树溪,威斯康辛州:全国阅读会议. 

约翰逊,J. (2004). God's gypsy and God's enforcer: The educational significance of constructions of motherhood and mother-daughter relations. 在罗马,G.杰弗里,B., & Walford G. (Eds.), 身份, agency and social institutions in educational ethnography in Studies in 教育al Ethnography (pp. 43-69). 阿姆斯特丹:爱思唯尔出版社. 



“Be Your Own Teacher: The Complexities of the Cooperating Teacher/Teacher Candidate Relationship.” Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (formerly the National Reading Conference), 沃斯堡, TX. 2010年12月.

“’A rainforest in front of a bulldozer:’ The literacy practices of teacher candidates committed to social justice.” Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American 教育al Research Association, 圣地亚哥, CA. 2009年4月.

"教师教育工作者的无形工作.” Paper presentation of the New England 教育al Research Organization, Portsmouth, NH. 詹妮弗·库克. 2009年4月.

“‘啦啦队在哪里?’ Examining the identity performances and literacy practices of teacher candidates committed to social justice.” Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English Assembly on Research, 布卢明顿, IN. 2008年2月.

“Social change in schools: A matter of passion, ethics, and literacies.” Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American 教育al Research Association, 芝加哥, IL. 玛丽·贝丝·海恩斯. 2007年4月.

“Agents of change in schools and communities: what do case studies tell us?” Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Los Angeles, CA. 玛丽·贝丝·海恩斯. 2006年12月.

“非法文化, unacknowledged performances: what counts (or doesn’t) in classrooms and communities?” Research Strand: Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, 匹兹堡, PA. 玛丽·贝丝·海恩斯 & 贝丝雷曼. 2005年11月.

“学生抵抗, 老师说话, and cultural assessment: locating sites of social justice on the banks of the mainstream.” Research Strand: Panel presentation at annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, 印第安纳波利斯, IN. 和约翰·斯汤顿一起 & 托尼斯科特. 2004年11月. 

“God's gypsy and God's enforcer: The educational significance of constructions of motherhood and mother-daughter relations.” Paper presented at the annual Oxford Ethnography Conference, Oxford, England August 2003.


“’My 教授 Never Told Me�’: Student Teaching in Diverse High School Classrooms.” Workshop presentation at the annual Promising Practices conference, Providence, RI. With RIC graduates Lauren Cote, Julie Lamarre, Emily McCaffrey, and Justin Menoche. 2010年11月.

“Problem-solving in the Classroom: Teachers Find Ways to Support Their Special Needs Students.” Workshop presentation at the annual Promising Practices conference, Providence, RI. With RIC graduate students Mary Beth Czernicki, Melissa Moniz, and April Vocke. 2009年11月.

“From Consumers to Producers of Knowledge: Undergraduates as Researchers.” Workshop presentation at the 教师 Development Workshop, Providence, RI. 与Lesley Bogad共同赞助. With RIC students Courtney Ellis, Ibiolia Holder, Jane Miller, Lorene Roy, and Chris Susi. 2009年1月.

“Observe, listen, learn: How teacher inquiry improves practice.” Workshop presentation at the annual Promising Practices conference, Providence, RI. With RIC graduate students Jillian Belanger, Rebecca Mesolella, Amy Skaradowski, and Megan Thoma. 2008年11月.

“Writing in the disciplines: engaging students through RAFTS.” Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the Rhode Island Middle Level Educators, Lincoln, RI. 与RIC学生Gail DeCecco, 考特尼DeSousa, 梅丽莎Kusinitz, 莎朗·马尼恩, 和丹尼尔·莫林. 2007年1月.



SED 407教学方法、设计和读写能力
SED 410 (now SED 411/412 Practicum in English 教育
SED 421 & SED 422 Student Teaching and Student Teaching Seminar
SED 445 The Teaching of Writing in Secondary Schools


A.S.T.L. (M.Ed.(SED 551课堂实践探究

TESL (M.Ed.)和基础教育(硕士).Ed.) FNED 547课堂研究导论 

Ph.D. edp641实地研究研讨会


WMST 350/358性别和教育


The literacy practices of teachers, candidates, and students

